In the cold season, the selection of local vegetables is relatively small - compared to the many vegetables we harvest in the summer months. Nevertheless, we can still eat healthy and local food in autumn and winter. Cabbage, kale, parsnips, celery, carrots, Jerusalem artichokes or salsify are really tasty winter vegetables that will see you through the cold season in a good and healthy way. Leeks, onions, garlic and potatoes can be bought all year round and the latter is popular because it stores particularly well.
White cabbage in particular is one of the most underrated vegetables because it is full of vitamins and minerals! It detoxifies, strengthens the immune system and fights bacteria. So that's one reason to incorporate cabbage into your diet much more often. This strudel with homemade curd short pastry and spicy bacon strips is perfect when it's cold and uncomfortable outside. The curd dough is quick to prepare and a great alternative to conventional strudel dough, which is a bit more time-consuming to prepare. It goes perfectly with a dip made of sour cream, with fresh parsley or herbs. This cabbage strudel tastes hearty and hearty and can be served lukewarm or cold. Also ideal as a lunch or snack for work or school.