It’s taking a long time for things to get “back to normal” after covid. So much changed in such a short amount of time, but thank goodness, events, culture and concerts are finally coming back! I had the pleasure of visiting one such event last week. The “Obertöne” chamber music days in Stams, also known as Chamber Music Wonderland, took place from the 15th to the 19th of September, to close out the summer. 


Stams isn’t really in the middle of a large metropolitan area and could be easily overlooked but the abbey in the middle of this countryside is stunning and deserves attention. The perfect setting for a concert. This is the eighth time that this event has taken place. It showcased musicians from seven different countries performing chamber music in the gorgeous St. Bernhard’s Hall in the Stams Abbey


Within St. Bernhard’s Hall chairs were set up neatly in rows ensuring everyone could see the musicians performing, however it was hard to not drift occasionally to admire the room with it’s intricate frescos adorning the walls, I found myself looking closely at all the details, not one inch is bare.


Each day of the concert week had a different line up of songs, all with various constellations of musicians. Some pieces were solos, while others were duos and occasionally all the musicians played together on one piece. Each had such a unique style and commanding presence. 


There were microphones hanging down from the ceiling in order to record everything and distribute it on a CD making sure that if you missed out on the concert, you could still enjoy the music. It was only a little intimidating knowing that they were recording everything though, slightly terrifying, if you feel a sneeze coming on! 

I’m so glad I had the opportunity to take in this cultural event, can’t wait until next year’s performance! 

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